I have been blessed to be a Lead Pastor now for three years. Before that I served as a Campus Pastor for 5 years & a Student Pastor for 5 years before that. When I become a Lead Pastor I spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out what my daily & weekly flow & schedule should look like. I have found that each level of growth & each season usually require changes & tweaks, but overall these four things are ultimately the building blocks I need to build all my time & energy around.
Here are the 4 Things I Can't Delegate as a Lead Pastor
(taken & adapted from Tony Morgan & Craig Groeschel)
Vision & keeping us on Mission
Overall Teaching/Preaching
Creating and guarding culture
Identifying and equipping leaders
I have found we function best when I stay most focused & dedicated to keeping these main things the main things & delegating everything else to the proper people & teams.
For more on the importance of delegation & how to grow in it click HERE to check out 5 quick keys to growing in delegation.