I've been preaching now for a decade. I can still remember the first few sermons I shared....If you were there for them let me take a moment to apologize! They were pretty bad!
Over the years, I have read quite a few books and listened to the quite a few podcasts and seminars on preaching. There are a lot of great resources available, but these two are my favorite books, in no particular order, on the topic of preaching that I have come across & a brief explanation of why:
In this book Stanley breaks down his personal teaching style and does it in parable form.
My biggest take aways from this book have been how to better communicate in a post Christian world, understanding the importance of creating tension because with no tension there is no attention, and how to create a one point message.
In this book, Robinson shares in depth about creating & delivering expository messages. The longer that I preach, the more I believe that expository preaching is the best kind of preaching.
My biggest takeaways from this book or how to come up with one main application point from one text and then how to create sub points under that point.
Tim Keller also recently (2016) released a book on preaching. My biggest take-way from this & something that seems so basic but I realized I was not doing, is to make sure try to preach the gospel every sermon. This simple thought is a an absolute game-changer!
To all the communicators & preachers reading this, what would add to this list?